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    Showing posts from April, 2024

    Cheeseburger Mini Muffins

    Wow, April just flew by! It's Muffin Monday again and since I'd been making a lot of sweets lately I set out to find a savory muffin to make.  I found these Cheeseburger Mini Muffins on Taste of Home.

    Italian Beef Sandwiches

      I is for Italian Beef Sandwiches! This year I'm participating in a bi weekly challenge with some blogging friends to post recipes using all of the letters in the alphabet.  It can feature a food that begins with the letter of the week or the recipe name can contain the week's letter.

    Spicy Hashbrown Waffles

    H is for Hashbrowns! This year I'm participating in a bi weekly challenge with some blogging friends to post recipes using all of the letters in the alphabet.  It can feature a food that begins with the letter of the week or the recipe name can contain the week's letter.

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