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    Showing posts from April, 2023

    Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake

      I hope you're enjoying #BrunchWeek as much as I am!  For my second  recipe I'm going with a classic, coffee cake.  I found myself with an overload of chocolate chips and I found Trish Q's recipe on the Taste of Home website. 

    Peanut Butter, Bacon and Banana Stuffed Waffles

    I'm kicking off #BrunchWeek with my latest obsession, stuffed waffles !  Today's version is a peanut butter waffle chock full of bacon and banana, also known as the Elvis Stuffed Waffle.

    Cinnamon Raisin Apple Grilled Cheese

    Happy National Grilled Cheese Day! I actually didn't eat many grilled cheese growing up but now I'm  a huge fan.  My guys like the classic, American cheese on white bread but I'm much more adventurous.  When I saw this Cinnamon Raisin Apple Grilled Cheese on Taste of Home I knew I had to give it a try!

    Garlic Butter Pasta

    “There are five elements: earth, air, fire, water and garlic.”  Louis Diat April is #NationalGarlicMonth and today I'm getting together with some foodie friends to celebrate the delightful Alium.  Being Italian, garlic is a staple item in most of my favorite dishes and I always have some on hand.

    13 Recipes for Garlic Lovers!

    “I see recipes calling for one clove of garlic. One clove of garlic is not enough for any recipe unless it’s a recipe for ‘How to cook one clove of garlic’ – even in this case, use two.”   Unknown April is #NationalGarlicMonth and today we're sharing some of our very favorite recipes.  Garlic is in the Allium family along with shallots, onions, leeks and chives. It can be consumed raw or cooked. I've exclusively used it in savory dishes, but there are recipes for garlic ice cream and other sweet treats out there.

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