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    Showing posts from May, 2022

    Sour Cream Chocolate Chip Muffins

    This month is just flying by but I'm excited to be joining the #MuffinMonday bakers again! I had a grocery pickup list mishap and ended up with two containers of sour cream so went searching on the Taste of Home site for recipes and found these Sour Cream Chocolate Chip Muffins.

    Chicken Pesto Stuffed Peppers

    Chicken is a go to protein around here. It's something all three of us eat and luckily there are lots of ways to prepare it. One of the easiest ways to get a meal on the table is to pick up a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store.

    Lemon Blueberry Whoopie Pies

    What an awesome #BBQWeek this has been! I'm wrapping things up with one of my favorite portable desserts, whoopie pies! I found this Lemon Blueberry version on the Taste of Home website.

    Iced Strawberry Tea

    For day 4 of #BBQWeek I'm sharing one of our favorite summertime thirst quenchers, Iced Strawberry Tea.  I found this recipe on the Taste of Home site but have adapted it to our tastes.

    Grilled Buttermilk Chicken

    We're halfway through #BBQWeek and I hope you're enjoying it as much as I am! Today I'm sharing Grilled Buttermilk Chicken, a recipe I found on the Taste of Home website.

    Pesto Pasta & Potatoes

    It's day two of #BBQWeek and today I'm serving up a sensational side dish, Pesto Pasta & Potatoes! My grill has a side burner but if yours doesn't you can definitely cook this one indoors. This post is sponsored in conjunction with #BBQWeek. The sponsors, Rainier Foods and Intensity Academy, generously provided prize packages to give away to the readers, however, all opinions are mine alone. I chose baby Dutch yellow potatoes but it would be great with red or purple too.  I had frozen steam in bag green beans on hand, we're still a while away from getting fresh local green beans. Since my guys are allergic to nuts I have to choose my pesto carefully.  My favorite right now is the Classico brand. It's delicious and comes in the most adorable little jars.   You could also use a tri color pasta or other shapes, just choose something that the pesto and cheese can grab onto. It's fantastic hot or chilled. I served it alongside Grilled Buttermlk Chicken and I...

    Bacon Cheddar Jalapenos

    Welcome to the third annual #BBQWeek hosted by A Kitchen Hoor’s Adventures . We are excited to have 15 bloggers sharing over 50 recipes this week as we head toward grilling season. I've got five new recipes coming your way this week!

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