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    Showing posts from October, 2021

    Banana Apple Muffins

    Another month has flown by and it's #MuffinMonday again!   I love participating in this group because muffins are always a hit here and it allows me to creatively use some of my pantry ingredients.

    Garlic Spaghetti Squash with Meat Sauce

    Though the growing season is winding down here in New England there's one thing that the farm stands still have and that's squash. There are so many different varieties and on my last trip I grabbed some spaghetti squash.

    Chickpea Tortilla Soup

    October is National Cookbook Month! I know that there are a lot of digital ways to get recipes out there nowadays, but I still love the feeling of sitting with a cookbook and paging through to find new dishes to try. 

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