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    Showing posts from June, 2021

    S'mores Muffins

    Happy to be joining the #MuffinMonday bakers this month with a muffin version of one of my favorite summer desserts, S'mores! I found Pam I's recipe on the Taste of Home site done in jumbo size, but I made 12 regular muffins instead of jumbo ones. 

    Red, White & Blue Summer Salad

      Can you believe it's almost July already? I sure can't!  Today I'll be sharing my version of a dish that will be the hit of your Independence Day get together, Red, White & Blue Summer Salad.  I found this recipe on Taste of Home and put a few spins on it to account for personal taste and items I had on hand. 

    Ginger Buttermilk Biscuits

    Biscuits are one of the things I'm still working to master and I'd pinned this Ginger Buttermilk Biscuit recipe a while back. When the Taste of Home monthly Bakeable Challenge was announced as strawberry shortcake I decided to give them a go.

    Beat the heat with our most popular cool treats!

     Temps in the 90s for several days straight has me looking for some treats to beat the heat, so I've gathered up some of our most popular cool treats to share with you today!

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