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    Showing posts from May, 2021

    Buttermilk Rhubarb Muffins

    This is the first year I've been able to harvest the rhubarb from my garden. Today I got three nice sized, very red stalks so went searching for a recipe and came up with these Buttermilk Rhubarb Muffins from Taste of Home. 

    Tomatoes with Buttermilk Vinaigrette

    I spent most of this winter eating the same two steam in bag veggies, but the weather is heating up and I was looking for some easy new sides.  I found these Tomatoes with Buttermilk Vinaigrette on the Taste of Home website and had everything on hand to make them.

    Garlic Chive Whipped Butter

    I was pleasantly surprised to find the previous owner of our house had planted chives and I've managed to keep them alive. My newest way to use them is this Garlic Chive Whipped Butter from Taste of Home.

    Grilled Potatoes and Peppers

      It's the final day of #BBQWeek and I'm closing it out with Grilled Potatoes and Peppers. I'm all about reducing the amount of dishes I have to wash so instead of mixing the ingredients in a bowl and then putting it in a packet, I used 13x9 disposable pan and covered it with foil.

    Old Fashioned Whoopie Pies

    I hope you are enjoying BBQWeek as much as I am! Today I'm sharing one of our favorite desserts, whoopie pies.  These are perfect for a barbecue because they are individually portioned and are hand held, no silverware required! This recipe is from Taste of Home and is featured as their #Bakeable challenge for May.

    Cool Beans Salad

    Welcome to #BBQWeek 2021! This winter seemed extraordinarily long so it's been really awesome to be able to finally uncover the grill and enjoy some meals on the patio.  I'm kicking things off with this super colorful, super delicious Cool Beans Salad from Taste of Home. 

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