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    Showing posts from July, 2020

    Banana Mocha Chip Muffins

    Another month has flown by and it's Muffin Monday again!  I thought I'd be able to share a blueberry recipe this time around, but my berries weren't quite producing enough.  In an effort to clear out some freezer/pantry space, I chose these Banana Mocha Chip Muffins from Taste of Home.

    S'mores Milk Shake

    July is National Ice Cream Month, and we're celebrating by sharing some of our favorite ice cream treats! Whether you make it yourself or buy it at the store, nothing beats ice cream on a hot summer day! 

    Strawberry Rhubarb Ice Pops

    I hope you're enjoying #SummerDessertWeek as much as I am! We've had a lot of days over the 90 degree mark here in New England. This means that I'm constantly looking for quick meals and cool treats to help get through the hot days.  Popsicles are a perfect way to beat the heat!

    S'mores Creme Brulee

    Welcome to the 4th Annual #SummerDessertWeek event hosted by Angie from Big Bear’s Wife . We're celebrating all things summer with a week-long event that is absolutely filled with some of the best summer dessert recipes!

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