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Showing posts from January, 2020

Cinnamon Swirl Quick Bread

Be a food blogger, they said. It'll be fun, they said. Now I want to say this up front, this is not a complaint post, I enjoy cooking and sharing what I make with all of you.  It's more that I want to put out into the universe that no one is immune to cooking fails. No one. In this case, I'd procrastinated making a recipe that I needed for a post until way beyond what would be considered last minute.  I crammed making the recipe in between several other things I needed to be doing without ever thinking about what would happen if it didn't turn out perfectly. I pulled the first loaf out of the oven and the middle was completely sunken in.  I didn't have time to process, I needed to get a loaf baked, cooled, glazed and photographed, so I put together a second batch of batter.  Well, that one sank in the middle too. I went ahead and glazed them anyway, and took some photos.  The guys were milling about, because regardless of what the loaves looked like, th

Cherry Chip Muffins

I'm excited to be joining the #MuffinMonday bakers this month, it's been a while! I keep a board on Pinterest full of muffin recipes to try, but I kept coming back to this one from Taste of Home.    I used my cookie scoop to portion out the dough, it makes it so easy.  Since I omitted the nuts due to allergies and filled the tins more than the recipe stated, I got 30 muffins. I thinned out my glaze a bit more with the cherry juice, which gave them a gorgeous pink color. Using the mini chips really lets everything get evenly distributed throughout the muffin. One of my favorite treats is a chocolate covered cherry, and these muffins definitely remind me of those. #MuffinMonday is a group of muffin loving bakers who get together once a month to bake muffins. You can see all of our lovely muffins by following our Pinterest board . Updated links for all of our past events and more information about Muffin Monday can be found on our home page . Cherry Chip Muf