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    Showing posts from November, 2018

    Chocolate Peppermint Pizzelle Fauxnoli

    As soon as the Halloween decorations are down, I'm already plotting and planning my holiday baking.   I love poring over old family recipes and cookbooks, trying to choose that year's treats for our holiday gatherings.

    Cranberry Sweet Potato Muffins

    I'm excited to be joining the Muffin Monday bakers again this month! Muffins are always a hit around here, but I tend to make the same varieties over and over.  I was browsing recipes for this month when I came across these Cranberry Sweet Potato Muffins from Taste of Home.

    Roasted Parmesan Carrots

    One of my favorite ways to serve up vegetables is roasting them.  I just love the depth of flavor they develop.  Root veggies are particularly great made this way, and I'm always pinning new variations to try, like these Roasted Parmesan Carrots from Taste of Home.

    Not Just for Company Rice!

    I hope that you're enjoying Holiday Side Dishes Week as much as I am!  For my second recipe,  I made Company Rice from Taste of Home.  Since I changed my eating habits last year, I have been eating significantly more rice than I ever have in my life.  It's really been challenging to find ways to change it up!

    Quinoa Stuffed Squash Boats

    Welcome to Holiday Side Dishes Week! I often prefer the side dishes over the main dish when it comes to holiday eating, is that strange? My guys will eat the same thing over and over for all the big holidays, but I've been trying to shake it up a bit with some new things.

    Acorn Squash with Cranberry Stuffing

    The variety of squashes available right now is absolutely amazing!  One of my favorite ways to eat them is roasted, I just love the texture, and you can fill them with so many awesome things, like cranberries! I found this recipe on the Taste of Home site and immediately printed it out.

    Turkey Cranberry Bagels

    I'd marked this recipe to try using leftovers after last year's Thanksgiving dinner and never got around to it.  I ran across it again in my to-try files, and I decided that it would be a great way to use the Maple Honey Cranberry Sauce I'd made.

    Maple Honey Cranberry Sauce

    Welcome to #CranberryWeek! As a New England girl, cranberries are something that I've always loved.  As a child, we went down to Cape Cod to see how they were farmed, such a cool process! I'll admit up front, my guys are fans of the can. I've made a few attempts at converting them to the real deal, and they've not been met with much enthusiasm at all.  I saw this recipe on Taste of Home, and considering how much they like maple syrup, I thought I'd give it a try. I didn't make any changes to the recipe. I was fortunate enough to hit the farmstand and grab local honey, but storebought would be fine too.  I love hearing the cranberries pop, and the house smelled absolutely amazing as this cooked. I reserved a little orange zest to put on top when I served it. I liked the chunky nature of it, the guys mashed theirs down some more. Overall, I'm marking it down as a success, but they did ask if we were having "normal" cranberry sauce for the hol...

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