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    Showing posts from January, 2018

    Bell Pepper Nachos

    Still working on your menu for the big game?  I've been taste testing recipes over the last few weeks, and I'll definitely be making these Bell Pepper Nachos again.   My guys will be scarfing down crispy cheesy treats, and I didn't want to be left out just because I'm eating healthier.   

    Best Chocolate Cake Ever!

    I celebrated my birthday earlier this month, and it unfortunately fell at the same time as a big snowstorm.  My husband was working, the driveway had to get cleared out, my son was being a grouch.  Even though I've been focusing on eating healthier, I was not skipping birthday cake, I deserved it! I searched the Taste of Home site, and this cake made with ricotta cheese caught my eye.  The sour cream frosting made it even more interesting.

    Peanut Ginger Pasta

    It's #NationalPeanutButter Day! Up until 2013, we were a peanut and tree nut free household.  My husband and son both are allergic to tree nuts, and my son was allergic to peanuts.  It was easier to eliminate all nuts from the house than it was to avoid cross contamination.  I was never a huge fan of peanut butter, so I didn't really miss it.

    Shredded Gingered Brussels Sprouts

    Brussels sprouts are a relatively new to me vegetable.  I tried them roasted a few weeks ago, and really enjoyed them. I grabbed another bag last time I shopped, then went searching the Taste of Home site for recipes.   This recipe caught my eye, I loved how easy it was to put together and the use of the ginger.

    Basil Turkey Soup

    Winter marches on here in New England, and more and more, I find myself craving soup.  Some days I have lots of time to put something together.  For the days that I don't, this Basil Turkey Soup is perfect.   It's easy to keep all the ingredients on hand, and you could definitely use either chicken or turkey. 

    Mini Zucchini Pizzas

    A few weeks into January, and I'm guessing more than a few of you made resolutions to eat better, lose weight, and so on. I started back in October, and one of my bigger challenges has been game day snacking.   It's very hard to stick to your guns when the people around you are inhaling plates of nachos, and other delicious things.  My solution was to find delicious things of my own, like these Mini Zucchini Pizzas.

    Italian Sausage Minestrone

    It has been one long, cold winter already here in New England.  Though my switch to eating healthier has been pretty easy overall, I've been struggling with finding warm, comforting foods for the season, so this event came at the perfect time.   I don't make tons of soups, but when I was searching for recipes, this Italian Sausage Minestrone really stood out to me.

    Bruschetta Chicken Wraps

    At the end of October, I made the decision to start eating healthier.  Everyone warned me that it was a terrible time to get started, but my goal was to enjoy things in moderation, but try to make better choices too.  Overall, I'm very happy with where I am starting this new year.

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