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    Showing posts from October, 2016

    Mama Mia Meatball Taquitos- Taste of Home Tuesday

    I can't believe it's Taste of Home Tuesday again already!   Things have been crazy here- we've bought a house and the moving frenzy has begun.   I've got about half the kitchen packed, which has made meal planning and cooking a fun challenge.   I've been relying heavily on old standbys and new dishes from the Simple & Delicious cookbook.

    Double Chocolate Banana Muffins

    When I heard the theme for this week's Taste of Home Tuesday was chocolate, I thought too easy!  Wow, was I wrong.   I scrolled through so many delicious chocolate recipes, I just couldn't make up my mind.    I was pulling something from the freezer for dinner when I realized that my frozen banana stockpile has gotten out of hand again.   Narrowing the search to bananas and chocolate, I found these muffins.  

    Loaded Baked Potato Dip

    I have to admit, I've never been a big "dip" person.   I'm trying to branch out more, and the very first recipe that I pinned out of my new Simple & Delicious cookbook was this Loaded Baked Potato Dip. 

    Pizza Quesadillas

    Pizza quesadillas are a delicious and easy-to-make meal that combines the best of both worlds. They make a great appetizer or a quick and easy dinner that the whole family will love.

    Cinnamon Whiskey BBQ Chicken Melt

      I ordered this sandwich at Uno's Pizzeria & Grill a while back.   It was so good, I got it the next time I visited too.    I found myself craving it, when no trip to the restaurant was happening, so I decided to recreate it at home.

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