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    Showing posts from September, 2016

    Apple Cinnamon Shortcakes

    Sadly, #AppleWeek is coming to a close.  I hope you've enjoyed all the amazing apple recipes that have been shared!  I've had a great time participating and look forward to more events in the future.

    Apple Oatmeal Cookies

    And the apple hits just keep on coming!   Today's recipe is Apple Oatmeal Cookies from Taste Of Home.   I've made several versions of cake mix cookies, and we always enjoy them.   No major changes to this one, except that I omitted the raisins because I didn't have any on hand. 

    Easy Apple Pie Bites

    It's Taste of Home Tuesday!   This recipe came across my feed on Facebook and I knew it would be a fun thing to make with my son.    We used Honeycrisp apples and tossed the slices in the cinnamon sugar mixture rather than sprinkling it on the dough.  

    Caramel Apple Floats

    Welcome to #AppleWeek!  All week I'll be featuring some great new apple recipes to celebrate my favorite season.   Be sure to go check out the other amazing bloggers contributions linked at the bottom of the post.

    Spiced Ginger Coffee

    Fall is my favorite time of year.   The leaves are changing, the mornings are cool and crisp.   I love starting these days with a nice hot cup of coffee.  I'm a huge ginger fan, especially combined with molasses.  

    Ginger Plum Tart

    I've been an avid fan of Taste of Home magazine since the 90s.   My Gram was a subscriber, and she would share her issues with me.  I became a subscriber myself sometime in college, and have had made 100s of recipes from those pages. 

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