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    Jolene's Recipe Journal Skip to main content


    Showing posts from November, 2015

    Cranberry Orange Pancakes

    Hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!   For our last day of break, I thought that these Cranberry Orange Pancakes from Taste of Home would make a great breakfast.

    Orange Spice Carrots

    Veggies are a tough sell at my house.  My son has limited favorites, and my husband is even pickier.   The December 2015 issue of Taste of Home featured this Orange Spice Carrot recipe, and I thought it would be a nice change from our usual sides.   

    Cheeseburger Gnocchi

    I'd slid into a little bit of a cooking slump the last few weeks, relying heavily on T&T recipes.    I planned the menu on Sunday for this week and penciled in ground beef for Tuesday night.   The go-to recipes for that would be either tacos or Beef Stroganoff Sandwiches and I wasn't in the mood for either. Clicking through my Beef Pinterest board brought up this recipe from Kevin & Amanda. 

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