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    Jolene's Recipe Journal Skip to main content


    Showing posts from June, 2015

    BBQ Bacon Burgers

    Burgers and hot dogs are everyday staples here in the summer.   Always looking for ways to make them tastier, something different!   I saw this recipe on the Six Sisters ' blog and followed it back to the Taste of Home website.  

    Boston Terriers

    It's only a few weeks into vacation and my family is already tired of "summer" foods.    I love the ease of tossing a few burgers or hot dogs on the grill, so I have to find ways to make them more interesting.     Since the challenge ingredient on Taste of Home Cook's Corner is beans this week, I thought I'd give these Boston Terriers a try.   

    Strawberry Lemonade Popsicles

    I've been waiting for strawberry season for what seems like forever, and finally it's here!  The warm temperatures, coupled with the fact that I am out of eggs, knocked out almost all the baking recipes I wanted to try.     Then I ran across these Strawberry Lemonade Popsicles from Sweet & Savory on Pinterest.   I love an excuse to break out my popsicle molds! 

    Chocolate Fudge Waffles

    Today, finally, was the last day of school for my son.   Every year I make him a special treat to celebrate and this year I chose Chocolate Fudge Waffles from Handle the Heat.   No changes at all to this one, except I did use the oil instead of butter.   

    Strawberry Rhubarb Upside Down Cake

    My guys love upside down cake, so when I saw this recipe from the Kitchen Magpie, it went right to the top of the to try list.    No huge changes to this one, except I only put 1 cup of rhubarb into the cake itself, and I used Chobani Lemon Greek Yogurt (about 5oz) and sour cream (about 3oz).

    Radish Cucumber Salad

    I've been a member of the Taste of Home online community since 2002.   One of the fun things there were challenges issued by the Community's manager, Sue.    She issued a challenge this week to make something from the front or back page of our grocery store circular.    I chose radishes, and zeroed in on this simple recipe from Reminisce May/June 2002.

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