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    Showing posts from April, 2015

    Creamy Greek Yogurt Maple Dijon Salad Dressing

    That's a very long title for this very simple to put together dressing!    It really doesn't get much easier than this, gather your ingredients, a few quick measurements and then shake until combined.   Easy peasy! 

    One Pot Cheeseburger Casserole

    I should have known not to attempt anything complicated for dinner tonight.   I have a terrible head cold, and I've been barely functioning for a few days.   But my son is at a sleepover, and I was pretty excited to get into some of the recipes I've been saving for those times.   I had no intention of making this one exactly as is, I knew I was going to be swapping out beef broth for chicken broth, yellow mustard for dijon mustard and that I was going to do a combination of sliced and shredded cheese.   I had no idea how far this was going to go off the rails.  I like to line up all my ingredients on the counter before I start cooking, opening any cans, boxes, etc and lining everything up in the order I need it.     I did that per my usual, and then went fishing in my cabinet to find my stockpot.   I've handed the chore of dishwasher emptying off to my son, and he takes it as a personal challenge to create...

    Banana Bread Waffles

    We are big 'breakfast for dinner' fans.   Our go-to is usually Belgian waffles, but we've been getting bored with the classic recipe.   I found this recipe on the Mother Thyme blog a while back.   I've got a stockpile of frozen bananas, perfect for this recipe.     I put them in the bowl I'd be using for the wet ingredients, defrosted them in the microwave and then mashed them.

    Pineapple Upside-Down Donuts

    I've been a member of the Taste of Home Community for over 13 years.  One of the fun posts there is a weekly challenge where an ingredient is given and you are supposed to try a new recipe using it.   This week's ingredient is pineapple.   

    Southern Bird Dogs

    We're eating lots of poultry lately, and I've started hearing the grumbling from my family.   With the grill covered with snow and ice again (yay New England!), my options were a little limited.    Staring at the package of chicken tenders in my fridge, I wondered what I could do to them that would be exciting and different.   I had a few hot dog rolls and 4 strips of bacon that needed to be used up.

    Gelatin Juice for April Fool's Day

    Get ready to have some fun this April Fool's Day! Why not whip up a batch of gelatin juice for a playful prank on the kids that’s both silly and delicious? It’s a tasty way to bring some laughs to the day! Realizing his fruit punch is actually Strawberry Jello... Usually I put together a more elaborate prank and get him with it earlier in the day.   This year I let him think I forgot, and then we sat down to dinner. Prepare Jello as directed on package, pour into a glass, add the straw and let it set up.  If you try and add the straw after it doesn't look as convincing.  

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