I've fallen in love with my new panini maker . Sifting through recipes on Pinterest, and Lasagna Grilled Cheese from Joy the Baker caught my eye. I don't usually cook at lunch just for myself, but I just kept scrolling past the pin, thinking how great it looked.
Date day and we're enjoying an adult beverage :) We have amassed a large amount of vodka in multiple flavors and I've been searching for ways to use it. I found this one via Pinterest. I could only find massive peppermint patties, so that's what I went with.
Big Patriots game today, and I wanted a meal that was easy to throw together. This recipe from Life With the Crusts Cut off was perfect! I used bite sized Italian Meatballs, and added Penzey's Italian Herb mix with the sauce. A sprinkle of shredded Parmesan along with the mozzarella.