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    Jolene's Recipe Journal Skip to main content


    Showing posts from February, 2014

    Fried chicken and waffles

    Trying to bust out of a cooking slump, I pulled this recipe from my to-try file on Sunday.   Unfortunately, I was outvoted by the guys pizza craving, and it got pushed to last night.    With the chaos of a weeknight going on around me, I'm not sure I gave it justice.   My kitchen was a disaster when I was finished, but I had a smiling happy family, and that's what really matters to me.

    Easy Homemade Mozzarella sticks

    Game day and we wanted a cheesy treat.    We've got several large bags of cheese sticks in the freezer, and visions of crunchy mozzarella sticks danced in my head.  

    Copycat Flaky Puffs

    My husband was a big fan of Flaky Puffs, which were puff pastry with a creamy filling and a layer of  jam. I love a challenge, so I set out to recreate them to surprise him for Valentine's day. I mentioned it to a fellow foodie friend and she shared her cream filling recipe with me.

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